Photo by Pat Wilson

Photo by Pat Wilson

In Congress, Eric will serve Western Wisconsin by:

  • Every citizen deserves to receive the healthcare they need when they need it without fear of losing their quality of life. As someone who has worked within the healthcare system and been a patient myself, I understand the systems in place.

    The United States has the most expensive and least effective healthcare system compared with other developed nations. It’s time to end the destruction of healthcare in America by price gouging, for-profit private health insurers and catch up to every other modern nation that’s implemented a single-payer universal healthcare system – no networks, no premiums, no co-pays, no deductibles and no surprise bills.

    Medicare For All will expand Medicare coverage to include dental, hearing, mental health and substance abuse treatment, prescription drugs, long-term and disability care, and reproductive, fertility, and maternity care. We must also invest in frontline care workers who are the backbone of our economy.

  • Everyday, gun violence is hurting our families and communities. This is not just a national issue - it happens here in Wisconsin too. Simply put, I am not trying to take away peoples guns. As a 4-H kid and being in a family of hunters, I understand the importance of hunting in Wisconsin.

    We do however need change in our current gun laws to help protect our kids and communities. Common sense solutions such as requiring background checks, automatic weapon ban (weapons of war do not belong in homes), and making sure firearms are stored where kids don’t have access to them.

  • I am the only candidate in this race that has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza in January. We have a humanitarian crisis and need to find a solution. The people of Wisconsin’s Third District deserve a representative who understands not just the challenges facing our immediate community, but also the world

  • We all want our families to grow up healthy, happy, and safe for generations to come. But for too long, fossil fuel CEOs and corrupt politicians have divided and distracted us with lies while they allow our air to be polluted and deny some communities clean drinking water.

    By coming together, we can heal the damage done to all of our communities, and power our future with locally produced renewable energy that creates millions of good union jobs in the process.

    I will aggressively fight to reduce our carbon emissions and make sure we are combating the rapid environmental issues we are facing.

  • Housing is a human right and everyone deserves access to a safe, affordable, and accessible place to live. Stable housing is an essential part of families’ economic security and must be invested in. I have seen families struggle to make their dreams of owning a home a reality. I will take my experience in the housing industry and fight for a long-term solution to affordable housing so every Wisconsinite can afford to be a homeowner.

    I will also fight for the expansion of low income housing and accessible housing for those with disabilities. Everyone, regardless of income, deserves a place to call home that fits their needs.

  • The cost of living has increased significantly while workers’ wages have not. While CEO’s compensation soars, most workers’ wages aren’t even keeping up with the rising costs of every day goods and affordable housing remains out of reach. We must secure a minimum wage of at least $15 that’s tied to inflation.

    Corporations need to be paying their fair share of taxes and begin paying fair wages.

  • Everyone should have access to quality education at all levels and should not be based on where you live or how much you make. This means making sure schools have the resources to support our children with disabilities and special needs.

    Every student deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. However, high tuition costs have put college and trade schools out of reach for millions of people and saddled millions more with a lifetime of student loan debt. I will support free public college and trade schools for all to end the equity gap in higher education.

  • It’s simple, every person, no matter where they live or how much they make, has the freedom to make their own decisions about their body and future.

  • Growing up in a rural community, and helping on friends and family farms, I understand the dedication of our farmers. Helping Wisconsin farmers not just survive, but thrive is a priority. I will target support to smaller and more diverse farmers to slow farm consolidation and expand the sustainable practices to help farmers combat extreme weather. This means continuing the solar credit and grants to ensure easy access to new streams of income for farmers. I will work with farmers to reduce nitrogen pollution in lakes and rivers and make sure they have access to the resources they need.

  • Wisconsin should be a state where everyone is welcome regardless of background, how you pray, or who you love.

    As a proud member of the LBGTQ community, I’m committed to ending anti-LGBTQ violence, bullying, and discrimination, and to ensuring that LGBTQ Americans are treated with dignity and respect in their communities, their workplaces, and their schools. That is the Wisconsin I will fight for.

  • About 66 million people, or about 1 in every 5 U.S. residents, collected Social Security benefits in February 2023. Many older people and people with disabilities depend on this program to survive. We need to protect it and increase the Social Security tax revenues to ensure it continues on.

    We also need to address the poverty cycle that traps those in lower incomes and those with disabilities by expanding benefits across the board, increasing the income cap for social security benefits receivers and increasing the Cost-of-Living-Adjustments.

  • Wisconsin and our country deserve representatives whose only focus is making their lives better and our country stronger. For too long big money has been corrupting our elections. I support a ban of Members of Congress trading stocks, end partisan gerrymandering, guarantee automatic and same-day voter registration, restore and strengthen the Voting Rights Act.

    Citizens United needs to be overturned to reduce the amount big corporations and billionaires can spend in elections. I would put forward legislation to make our elections more fair and work towards publicly funded elections.

  • As a technology professional, I understand how it can be a tool that helps us build a better country and world. We need someone that understands the building blocks of our new world, someone that will advocate so everyone has a fair shot at innovation and not just the wealthy - this includes Artificial Intelligence, crypto, and consumer data/privacy.